NEW SEASON, NEW ENERGY (Capricorn to Aquarius).
Let’s get right to it. This month we were reminded of our boundaries and our commitments. With everything going on in the U.S. it’s not a surprise that all the energy of this month really came to a head in the final week before we transitioned to a new sign. Capricorn riles over structure, law and the lessons we NEED to learn in order to grow.
As we move out of the final earth sign in the astrological calendar, we find ourselves eye-to-eye with the last air sign of the cycle. We are shifting our mindset from individual responsibility to one centered around collective consciousness. Aquarians energy taps into the questions we need to ask in order for the collective to understand. It’s stepping into a role of service to facilitate healing.
In tarot we are moving from The Devil to The Star. The Star comes after The Tower. We pick ourselves up, dust off our clothes after literally falling from the manmade structure that was meant to keep us safe. We then need to start healing on an individual level. When we fully surrender to The Star we are going into it one way and when it’s time to leave we’ve changed. We can then take those lessons and forge ahead.
Self Care. Adjust. Lessons Learned.
When we feel like our power has been taken away, it’s our responsibility to ask ourselves, “How can I get my power back?” After having that internal conversation we can then use our voice to verbalize what we need. We can walk over and take our sword beck from the person who stole it or we can move on and find a new one to call our own. It’s that moment of rock bottom, that feeling that we lost our precious treasure, in order for us to step up and focus on what we need.
P.S. If you’re interested, you can scroll and find I pulled three of the Major Arcana cards from a few of my decks and went over some general information about all 12 signs. I did that on the day each season started. Start there if you’re interested in a starting point when learning about astrology. (