Elated and overwhelming with excitement, that's the vibe I am feeling as we welcome Leo season with a celebration. This past month felt a little chaotic. Did anyone else feel like they were on an emotional rollercoaster? Cancer season brought out all the feels from fuzzy to boo-hoo crying, but here we are. We've learned, we've grown and now we're ready for something new.
Leo season is officially here. It's a time of continued sunshine, but adding a little spice with pride, warmth for our pack and just pure comfort. I've got a Leo rising so I am bias, but when I think of Leos I can't imagine my life without them. They are so funny, take up space, perform and have the best hair I have ever seen. I think that's something we could all tap into.
In tarot we are moving from The Chariot to Strength. On the Strength card we see a person taming a lion. The lion is literally putty in their hands. They have an infinity symbol representing their infinite wisdom and their spiritual ability to connect with something a bit wild. We see a lion on the card, which represents Leo, but the energy behind the card is pure love, inner strength and risk-taking.
Connection. Stability. Physical Balance. Spark.
What are you carrying over from Cancer season? Is there something you have picked up that's not yours to carry? It's time to ask yourself what can you drop. What is something you need to step away from in order to continue on your journey. It's time to take up space and ask others to help if you insist on carrying all those wands. Check your posture and your spine. Back and spine health may be important this season.
P.S. If you’re interested, you can scroll and find I pulled three of the Major Arcana cards from a few of my decks and went over some general information about all 12 signs. I did that on the day each season started. Start there if you’re interested in a starting point when learning about astrology. (